A Sample a Day Keeps the purse at bay.

I admit I'm not one of the most frugal people around, but I love collecting samples. It's been an ongoing thing since I was quite young and discovered the likes of 'Free Samples UK' and 'Magic Freebies'. Yes, you have to be careful of not to sign up to any marketing scams, but if you know what you're doing and can see the legit sites from the scammers, you can bag yourself some fantastic freebies. In the picture above you will see my little sample case. It's full to the top with little samples from Chanel to tea bags and Olay to Aveena. I use these when I'm running low on a product and wanting to see what to buy next and they also come in really handy when I go on holiday. 

Where to look:

I think this has to be my most trusted and most used site. I've never had any problems and always bagged some wonderful little items. 

Magic Freebies is loaded with marketing scams, but there's quite a lot of genuine samples to get your hands on. 

Student Money Tips ie '10 ways to have more money as a student' has some great money saving tips and the occasional good freebies.I've got this site on my favourites and check it regularly.

My latest freebie was found on the 'Latestfreestuff' website and it was a coupon for a free 30ml Body Shop handcream worth £5. Being a blogger I couldn't refuse the opportunity to get my hands this one and there's still 3 days left for those who are still interested!

Visting The Body Shop is always tempting. The sweet aromas that fill the air always makes me want to buy something. I ended up purchasing the Strawberry Eau De Toilette which wasn't quite free, but had 10% off due a promotional day. When I got to the counter I was offered a free Love Your Body Body Shop loyalty card worth £5 for spending over £5 in store today. The loyalty card gives you £5 credit to spend in store on your birthday, money off at certain times of the month and lots of special offers.  The Body Shop has definitely been treating me well today.

I did a post about this when I first started my blog, but for a long period of time I've been obsessed with collecting magazine perfume samples. The obsession derived from my childhood memories of sniffing magazine pages and falling in love with the various scents on the page. For the last year or so I have been collecting magazine pages which have perfume samples and keeping them in a folder for when I need a different perfume to try or for when I'm looking for a new perfume to purchase. I call this my perfume diary and I love it. If anything, it's worth doing just to look at all the iconic perfume advertisements in the last few years. I recently tried a perfume from this folder from two years ago and it still worked. This could definitely be an interesting piece for those that love collecting magazine memorabilia in the future.

Finally, this isn't a freebie but the purchase was made thanks to a freebie I received a year ago. I had a few samples of Estee Lauder products from a beauty night at my local Boots and since then I have been using the Estee Lauder mascara I had been given for special occasions. Unfortunately my mascara sample has run out, but I feel in love with it so much that I spent £22 on buying one of the newer mascaras,  the Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme. The mascara alone was supposed to cost £22, but due to another promotional offer, I was given this lovely little box set with a sample of makeup remover and night cream for the exact same price. Today has been a fabulous freebie Thursday.

Have you used any sample sites in the past?


  1. I love The Body Shop hand cream, I think I have about 5 different varieties!

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  2. Oooh, that's such a good idea to keep your perfume samples in a folder! I can never remember which samples are in which magazine, though I'm not sure I'd want to rip out any pages.
    Megan x | MeganRoisinn

  3. Love this post! I am a sucker for samples as well! I used to keep some of them but have been throwing some of them away because it was starting to become a problem!

  4. I love samples! Probably because I am so picky about the products I use (:

  5. Look at you all organized I might have to steal your style lol. I am weird about samples I am always finding samples to try, thanks for the recommendation on the sites!

    xo, Janelle @ GlamorousMama

  6. Love this post - I am a beauty sample fanatic so I'll be checking out those links asap!

  7. ooh I think I might head over and check out that body shop freebie! Great post x

  8. I ought to get organised and so more of this!

  9. This is a great post, I always love a bargain or a freebie, and being a student I always find that every little helps, and the savings are better in my pocket than big business! I'll be checking out some of those sites that you linked, thanks for that x

  10. I used to do this all the time I have a box in my wardrobe still full of all kinds of cosmetic sachets and perfume samples to get through!

  11. The body shop sample looks great, I might just have to nip to town tomorrow :)

  12. Oh.. I shouldn't have read this post. I am really trying to declutter my life but I too am such a sucker for freebies! :) I think the trick is trying to only take things you can use (small house that we keep adding small people to!)

  13. oh! I have that hand cream :) great post


  14. I used to love flicking thru mags and taking out all the samples! Don't seem to have time to read magazines any more tho lol

  15. This is such a great idea, I'll have to get Mrs B working on all these and see what she can save. Nice to see it's decent products as well!

  16. Thanks for sharing your tips. I LOVE make-up and I definitely love freebies. xx

  17. I have a whole drawer full of samples too, I am a sample addict, haha. I will definitely check out the website links you put up, such a great post :) xxx

  18. Great sample, love beauty samples :D I think I need to go to rehab lol. Love the offers you put on here! Thank you.. wowfreestuffuk

  19. You should also include Freebie Supermarket - https://www.freebiesupermarket.com/

  20. It’s a great post with a complete focus on the particular subject. Keep up the great work!

    Top Vouchers Code

  21. I love getting free samples in the post, I usually use https://www.allfreestuff.co.uk/free-health-beauty to get mine x


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